Trading terms and conditions

1. Definitions and interpretation

In this Agreement:

Company means Ultimate Campers ABN 94005451007 and includes its successors and assigns;

Goods means the Goods and/or Services the subject of the sale described in the products listed on this website; 

Price means the Price in $AUD as described in the products listed on this website and is inclusive of any applicable GST as defined in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth);

Purchaser means the Purchaser(s) named in the order placed and where more than one, the obligations of the Purchaser are held by them jointly and severally;

Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and will not affect their interpretation.

2.             Orders and Payment

2.1            Completion and submission of an order by a Purchaser with payment is an offer to purchase the Goods from the Company on these Terms and Conditions of Trade. The Company is not obliged to accept any order placed by a Purchaser.

2.2            The Company will issue a tax invoice to the Purchaser for the supply of Goods pursuant to an accepted order. The Company will sell the Goods at the Price nominated by the Company on its website or published promotional materials and special. The Company reserves the right to amend the Price and specifications of Goods at any time (but not in relation to an accepted order).

2.3            Payment of the Price must be paid to the Company at time of purchase. The Price is paid on receipt of the amounts on clearance of funds in the Company’s nominated bank account.

2.4            The Purchaser must nominate at checkout where the goods are to be delivered. If the Purchaser enters these details incorrectly that is the responsibility of the purchaser and no liability is held by the company.

2.5            The Purchaser further agrees that all costs and disbursements incurred by the Company in recovering payment of any overdue invoice or in enforcing its rights under this Agreement, including without limitation, legal costs on a solicitor and client basis are recoverable against the Purchaser as a debt.

2.6            Apart from the right of cancellation conferred by clause 6 below, no order from the Purchaser may be cancelled by the Purchaser except with the written consent of the Company which may be withheld in the Company’s absolute discretion and on terms agreed with the Company, including that the Purchaser will forfeit a cancellation fee and any further applicable fees.

2.7            On acceptance of an offer from the Purchaser, the Company will immediately prepare to provide the Goods as ordered.

2.8          If a Purchaser wishes to alter an order placed with and accepted by the Company, the Company may accede to such a request on terms satisfactory to the Company, including any increase in the Price. Where no materials have been ordered and no work has been undertaken, there may be no cost for such alterations.

2.9          The Company may refrain from providing any Goods, cease production and terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 6 if the Purchaser has not strictly complied with any term of this Agreement.

2.10          Delays can arise in the manufacturing process, particularly with technical issues and sourcing parts and components. The Company will use reasonable endeavours to seek to ensure that the Goods are available to the Purchaser within a reasonable timeframe, however, the Company does not warrant that the Goods will be ready by a specific date and the Purchaser has no right of action for damages or any other remedy for any loss arising from a delay in delivery of the Goods.

3.             Title and Risk

3.1            Risk of damage to or loss of the Goods passes to the Purchaser upon delivery of the Goods to the Purchaser. Goods will not be delivered or made available to a Purchaser until the Price is paid in full 

3.2            Title in the Goods does not pass to the Purchaser until payment of the Price and any associated costs and expenses, in full.

3.3            Where Goods are to be transported to the Purchaser pursuant to clause 2.4, the Price and any transportation costs must be paid in full prior to transporting them. Risk in the Goods passes to the Purchaser from the time the Goods leave the Company’s premises, so the Purchaser ought to arrange appropriate insurances.

4.             Force Majeure

4.1            The Company will not be liable to the Purchaser in any manner or be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement because of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of the Company’s obligations under this Agreement if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond the Company’s reasonable control. 

4.2            The following will be included (without limitation) as causes beyond the Company’s reasonable control: (a) governmental actions, war or threats of war, national emergency, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage or requisition; (b) Acts of God, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic or accident; (c) import or export regulations or embargoes; (d) labour disputes not including disputes involving the Company’s work-force; (e) any kind of carriage, transportation or postal delay; or (f) inability to obtain or delay in obtaining supplies to enable provision of the Goods.

5.             Warranties

5.1            The Company will provide the Goods in accordance with any applicable industry or statutory standards, any applicable literature regarding the Goods as published by the Company from time to time and any specifications agreed in writing between the parties. This warranty does not affect the Purchaser’s obligation to pay the Price. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company does not provide any other warranty in relation to the Goods other than that in this clause and those required by statute. To the maximum extent possible, any other warranties that may be asserted whether express or implied and including through statute, are expressly negatived, and excluded.

5.2            The Purchaser warrants that before placing an order, the Purchaser satisfied itself that the quantities, descriptions, and specifications at the checkout were correct and that the Goods, including their specifications, are suitable for the Purchaser’s purposes and that the Purchaser’s vehicle is suited to the Goods.

5.3            The Purchaser further acknowledges that the Goods may need to be properly maintained and the Purchaser warrants to the Company that it will take all reasonable precautions in using, supervising the use of, and regularly maintaining the Goods to minimise any risk of personal injury or damage to or loss of property, including those of third parties.

5.4            The Purchaser acknowledges that the Company has intellectual property and other similar rights (including pending and unregistered rights) in relation to the Goods and warrants that it will not and will not assist, whether directly or indirectly, any entity to take any steps to derogate from or impede those rights.

6.             Termination

6.1            The Company may terminate this Agreement without cause and without prior notice at its absolute discretion.

6.2            Subject to clause 2.8 and 6.4, the Purchaser may terminate this Agreement on 14 day’s notice.

6.3            Termination by either party must be notified in writing to the other party.

6.4            Upon the termination of this Agreement prior to delivery of the Goods, the Purchaser will be refunded any monies paid (inclusive of GST).

 6.5            The termination of the Agreement is without prejudice to the rights and obligations of either party accrued prior to termination.

7.             Claims

Any claim by the Purchaser for omissions, damage or defective workmanship must be notified to the Company in writing within 14 days of delivery, failing which no claim may be made. The Company shall have the right to inspect and if warranted, the Company shall have a reasonable time to repair or rectify (in the Company’s absolute discretion) the Goods having regard to the time it takes to source products, parts, or labour. This clause relates to the initial delivery of the Goods and does not affect the full warranty offered by the Company. 

8.             Indemnity

The Purchaser indemnifies the Company and its officers, contractors, delegates, employees and agents for any and all loss, cost, damage, liability or expense, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential (including, but not limited to, economic loss, loss of opportunity, loss of profit or revenue, loss or damage in connection with claims against the Purchaser by third parties, liquidated sums or liquidated damages) that the Company suffers itself or incurs in relation to any third party, where the loss, cost, damage, liability or expense (whether in relation to any claim in relation to any injury caused to any person or damage to or loss of any property or otherwise) is caused by or contributed to by an act or omission of the Purchaser or its officers, contractors, delegates, employees or agents for such things including but not limited to the use and maintenance of the Goods. 

9.            Delegation

The Company may delegate or sub-contract the performance of any obligation under this Agreement without the written consent of the Purchaser 

10.            Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement are governed by the law in force in New South Wales, Australia and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia, and all courts competent to hear appeals from the courts of Victoria, Australia in respect of all proceedings arising in connection with this Agreement 

11. Entire agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties about its subject matter and any previous document, understanding and negotiation on that subject matter ceases to have any effect.

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